“The Most Fundamental Right: Contrasting Perspectives on the Voting Rights Act”

Daniel McCool has edited this new book with an ideologically broad collection of authors:

Section I: The Political and Legal Context of the Voting Rights Act
1. Meaningful Votes \Daniel McCool
2. The Constitutional Foundations of the “Pre-Clearance” Process: How Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act Was Enforced, 1965-2005 \Peyton McCrary
3. Influence District and the Courts: A Concept in Need of Clarity \Richard Engstrom
Section II: The Debate
4. The Bull Connor Is Dead Myth: Or Why We Need Strong, Effectively Enforced Voting Rights Laws \Laughlin McDonald
5. Bull Connor is Long Dead: Let’s Move On \Abigail Thernstrom
6. The Voting Rights Act in South Dakota: One Litigator’s Perspective on Reauthorization \Bryan Sells
7. Realistic Expectations: South Dakota’s Experience with the Voting Rights Act \Chris Nelson
8. The Continuing Need for the Language Assistance Provisions of the Voting Rights Act \James Thomas Tucker
9. Policy and Constitutional Objections to Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act \Roger Clegg
Section Three: Commentary
10. After NAMUDNO: The Shape of Future Litigation \Edward Blum
11. Looking Backward to and Forward from the 2006 Voting Rights Act Reauthorization \Debo Adegbile

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